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Volunteer work in The Hague

If you want to commit yourself to helping other people, there is all kinds of volunteer work in the city. Volunteering is meaningful for society and for you: volunteer work can help you to develop new skills and expand your social network. In addition, volunteering is hip! Almost half of Dutch people over the age of 15 do or have done volunteer work. Read more about volunteering as an international on the website of The Hague International Centre.

Volunteering in The Hague

Volunteer The Hague
Volunteer the Hague connects internationals with meaningful volunteer opportunities at local non-profit organizations. By empowering internationals to contribute their skills, we strengthen capacity at local non-profit organizations to create a lasting change in the community. Our platform combined with our team of volunteers offer a variety of support services that internationals and organizations can utilize.”

NL Cares
“Start volunteering in The Hague and make an impact on a cause you care about. Every day there are many different volunteer activities on our calendar that you can choose from. Big cities come with big social problems and social inequalities. Take on these challenges with us and contribute to a better city for everyone. At NL Cares we offer volunteer work all over The Hague so there is always a fun volunteer activity near you.”

YMCA The Hague
“With more than 500 volunteers, YMCA The Hague is committed to a better neighbourhood. We organize youth activities and much more. We do this with an eye for everyone, regardless of background, appearance, orientation, gender or socio-economic status. At YMCA everyone is welcome to be themselves and get the best out of themselves!”