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Yoga & Surfing lesson

Friday 1 september | 13.00 - 16.00 | Heart Beach Schevenigen | combiticket €7,50 | Tickets
Friday 1 september | 13.00 - 13.45 | Heart Beach Schevenigen | yoga €3,- | Tickets
Friday 1 september | 14.00 - 16.00 | Heart Beach Schevenigen | surfing €6,- | Tickets

The sound of crashing waves and yoga zen… followed by an exciting surfing lesson in the heart of Scheveningen! The 45 minutes of mindful movement will boost your focus and strength, and the two hours of surfing will make sure to provide enjoyment and memorable beach entertainment. If you’re open to trying new experiences, connecting with friends and sun-bathing on the beach, this event is an absolute must!

We are as flexible as you will be with what we offer Therefore the yoga and surfing session are sold separately, so you do not commit to something you are not interested in. However, the combined deal of both activities is offered at an exclusive rate of €7.50!